Remember 2020 Biology Graduation
Queens College, Biology Department 2020 graduation. The pandemic graduation.
Aquatic Toxicology paper published
Corinna Singleman’s second paper from her PhD entitled, “PCB and TCDD derived embryonic cardiac defects result from a novel AhR pathway” was accepted for publication in Aquatic Toxicology
10 steps to joining a research lab…
Are you an undergrad interested in working in a research lab on campus and don’t know where to start. Here are 10 steps to getting a position in the lab as an undergraduate student.
Office hours, what are they for?
Not sure what office hours are for? The professor is intimidating. Here are several reasons to consider going and what to say when you get there.
Conference: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment
During the Northeastern University on Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment Conference myself and the team hosted a round table session entitled, “Just in Time: Teaching Online- A scalable, rapid, & collaborative framework for training & evaluating teaching online.”
How to succeed in Intro Bio
Taking Bio105. Yes, I know it has a reputation for being hard. There is certainly a lot to learn in the class so what can you do to succeed and maybe even enjoy this class?
AACU Conference
During the AAC&U 2021 Annual Conference, myself and the team hosted a round table session entitled, “Teaching during the pandemic-induced online transition: Exploring best online teaching practices and lessons learned for improving pedagogy of care.” A summary is shared in this post.
Teaching Biology Online During a Pandemic
How do you move a large lecture class and biology lab online during the COVID pandemic? Learn more here.
Biology Mentoring Blog
Blog posts feature a mix of topics in the biological sciences meant for career scientists, graduate researchers, undergraduate students, and novices. It also covers international research, new technologies, educational opportunities, career options, and general guidance with real world applications.
Environmental Toxicology paper published
Corinna Singleman’s first paper from her PhD entitled, “Toxic Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners and Aroclors on Embryonic Growth and Development” was accepted for publication in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
SETAC 2020 conference
SETAC 2020 educational poster presentation entitled “Small scale interventions in Introductory Biology lead to meaningful changes in student success,” by Dr. Holtzman reviewing progress in student success in STEM at Queens College, CUNY. A summary of the presentations and a video of the poster presentation are provided.